Friday, June 17, 2011

It's soon to be in sight.

My friend Megan who I have mentioned just returned from her mission trip to China! I'm hoping to go on one similar to hers next summer with Visiting Orphans. She visited several orphanages in several cities and was able to love and play with those kids and see their interactions with their nannies. It is such an amazing experience and I can't wait until I have a chance to go. I got some pictures from her trip. They are all amazing and sweet but, since I love pictures SO much I'm just going to limit myself to 2 pictures. She had 5 albums total on Facebook so you can see how this is a challenge for me.

I am hoping to finalize my trip plans by the end of summer and set my sights on a destination and goal for fundraising. I'll keep everyone posted as the journey continues and I make plans. :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

As of now.

Right now, at this moment, my friend Megan is in China. She is working with the company I'm hoping to partner with next summer. I've mentioned her in previous posts but her love and devotion to this trip and those kids still astounds me. She decided to go back to China (after going last summer with Visiting Orphans) about 3 months ago and still was able to raise a bunch of money towards her trip and receive donations to take with her for the kids such as silly string and water balloons. 
Right now, at this moment, she is making a difference. I am so sad that I wasn't able to go with her this year but at the same time I am extremely proud of her for going through with this even with the obstacles she faced financially and spiritually. Her journey shows her devotion and faith and she was able to decide that she might want to be a missionary when she gets older. How cool is that? She found her passion and is following it. She has a huge heart and I would love if everyone would keep her and her team in their thoughts and prayers these next two weeks as they travel to love on those kids.
Right now, I am so ready to begin fundraising. I have some prices listed on this blog but they are very flexible and will probably be changing as I figure things out. Any help would be awesome. I am talking to my friend about possibly going on this journey with me and we shall see where this year takes us. I (and my friend if she goes) will be fundraising all year and will keep you updated! I'm still selling frames and prints if anyone is interested. :)

Thanks to all!
I take pictures of things that matter to me in hopes that they will matter to others as well.
This is the lovely Megan :)