About Me and My Trip

Just a little about me: I am currently in college studying business and photography. I have an immense passion for photography, dance, and children. I have always loved my church and looked forward to everything that happens from youth group throughout middle school and high school to church service and Sunday School every week to Wednesday night events to extra festivities that were put on from mission trips to Vacation Bible School. For mission trips, we have driven as far as New Mexico to put on a Vacation Bible School for a community there to working with a home for mentally challenged adults in Florida to working with homeless shelters in Alabama and Chicago to doing manual labor. I have always wanted to go on a mission trip to another country though. I know there is plenty to be done close to home, but I have always felt the need to get out of my comfort zone and go. I just want to pick up my camera and go. I have friends who have gone on trips in China and Thailand and Guatemala and come back stronger in spirit, faith, mind, and heart and have had the opportunity to go again this summer (2011). 

I have recently decided to jump start my desire and go on a trip to China the summer of 2013 with an non-profit organization called Visiting Orphans (for more information you can click here) that organizes trips to orphanages in many countries such as India, China, Costa Rica, Haiti, Africa, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras, and the Ukraine. I was originally planning on going the summer of 2012 but I feel more time is needed to raise the money and grow as a person. I need to raise about $4000 for this trip. Saying that, I am going to be doing some serious fundraising. I will spend about 10-12 days on this trip including travel time. We will spend 4 or 5 days at an orphanage loving on the children there and playing with the children.

During this trip I hope to accomplish a few things: I want to capture moments with my camera that touch people. I also want to make a difference. I hope to touch one child's heart while there. I also hope to come back a stronger person. I know the kids and workers there are going to touch my heart in more ways than I could ever imagine.

My contact information is listed on the left and I hope everyone will go like my AEGphotography page on Facebook! 
Also, I have a website for AEGphotography you can check out by clicking here (www.aegphoto.org if the link is down for some reason). :)


"Pure religion in the sight of God is this, to visit orphans and widows in their distress..."   -James 1:27
mission trip to Mobile, AL