Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Decision time.

Sorry it's been so long since a post!
So, I now have some choices to make about China: to go ahead and sign up for a trip one friend is going on, or wait and see if another friend can go and choose a trip with her. Choices, choices. I know this decision is not based on which friends can go or even if a friend goes with me, but in this case it would be nice to have a familiar face around while working in a foreign country. I have some time to decide but this is going to be on my mind for a while. Before I can even sign up, I need to go get my passport. That should be a fun experience. It's necessary though, obviously.
In my photography world, there's only about 2 and a half weeks until Alan and Gracyn's wedding! I got new equipment that I am dutifully working to master before their big day. I am so excited for them and honored to be their photographer. :)
I am also taking pictures for TN Parks and Greenways next weekend, thanks to the referral of a friend. That will be a fun experience that will hopefully amount in some more job opportunities.

Here's some photos I have taken recently with my Fisheye camera and 35mm film. :) Hope you like them!
Birdie, birdie.

the little boat that survived the storm with 2 passengers

little cabin in Michigan :)

every sunset is different. Especially at Glen Lake.

I really love successfully capturing sunlight.
Thanks for keeping up!
"It can be a trap of the photographer to think that his or her best pictures were the ones that were hardest to get."

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